News from 2024

Conferences, papers, chapters and tools. Here’s a list of things that happened in 2024.

Guilherme D. Garcia


January 2, 2024


July 26, 2024



  • Talk at OCP (Leipzig) with Natália B. Guzzo
  • Research period (~2 weeks) at Harvard as part of the Programme de mobilité professorale at Université Laval; talk on metrical markedness, weight and sonority + workshop on Bayesian data analysis
  • Paper with Lydia White and colleagues published online at Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism




  • Talk at UFRGS in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Morphon Circle (morphology-phonology reading group)
  • Plenary and workshop at I JOBS (topic: visualizing individual variation in second language research), UFRGS. Cancelled due to the 2024 Rio Grande do Sul floods


  • SSHRC Insight Development Grant
  • Appui à la recherche (Enveloppe exceptionnelle), Université Laval
  • Talk at Eurosla (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3) with Lydia White and colleagues


  • Talk at GALA (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon) with Lydia White and colleagues
  • Workshop on data visualization at Universidade de Lisboa

    dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat %b
    title Research activities in 2024

    NELS, USA : milestone, 2024-01-26, 2024-01-27
    Paper published : milestone, 2024-02-08, 2024-02-09
    OCP, Germany : milestone, 2024-02-13, 2024-02-16
    Visiting period at Harvard : 2024-02-25, 2024-03-08
    MOTh, Canada : milestone, 2024-04-19, 2024-04-21
    GASLA, USA : milestone, 2024-05-02, 2024-05-04
    Paper accepted : milestone, 2024-05-14, 2024-05-14
    Chapter published : milestone, 2024-05-16, 2024-05-18
    ISBPAC, UK : milestone, 2024-05-23, 2024-05-24
    UFRGS, Brazil : 2024-06-20, 2024-06-21
    Appui à la recherche : milestone, 2024-07-01, 2024-07-02
    Eurosla, France : milestone, 2024-07-03, 2024-07-06
    SSHRC Grant : milestone, 2024-07-05, 2024-07-06
    Workshop, Portugal : milestone, 2024-09-12, 2024-09-12
    GALA, Portugal : milestone, 2024-09-12, 2024-09-14

Copyright © 2024 Guilherme Duarte Garcia


  1. Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Phonology/Phonetics Workshop.↩︎