
Below you find links to the Portuguese Stress Lexicon, scripts and tutorials on a range of topics involving data analysis and phonology.

“Pensar es olvidar diferencias, es generalizar, abstraer” (Borges)


Raw text in TalianBelow you will find different scrips I’ve developed using R, as well as some random information on the tools I normally use (My workflow). These scripts are here to complement R tutorials I have designed over the years.

  • Fonology (R package)
  • Data

    The Portuguese Stress Lexicon is a project I developed during my PhD. It’s a comprehensive lexicon of Portuguese non-verbs coded for a number of phonological variables. Due to its tidy data format, the lexicon can be easily analyzed. The Talian corpus project is an ongoing project with Natália B. Guzzo. Talian is an understudied language spoken in southern Brazil. Our goal is to make coded data acessible so that other researchers can use the corpus in their own projects.

    Research methods in linguistics

    Below you will find How to plot vowels in R, a brief tutorial on how to plot vowels using ggplot2 in R. The tutorial is updated every now and then. You will also find tutorials for web scraping, syllabification with Regex, and Automating Praat experiments, a Praat script I have developed to combine questionnaire responses, data files, and Praat experiment files. The goal is to generate csv files that are ready for analysis. I have used this script several times, and it has saved me hours of work.

  • How to plot vowels in R
  • Multiple comparisons using Bayesian models
  • If you’re looking for a place to learn R more generally, my top recommendation for R is Wickham’s R for data science. My top recommendation for statistics in general is McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking (see below, under Useful YouTube channels).

    Quarto dashboards for teaching

    The goal of these apps is to make abstract concepts more user-friendly and intuitive. I normally use them in research methods courses.

    Document preparation

    When it comes to document preparation, my main tip for graduate students is to learn how to LaTeX and BibTeX as soon as possible. I recognize, however, that not everyone wants to, and not everyone needs to. I’ve been using LaTeX for virtually every document I produce since 2013, I think. That’s why I decided to add LaTeX for phonologists to my website.

  • LaTeX and phonology
  • Portuguese language

    My native language is (Brazilian) Portuguese. These are the two oldest grammars of Portuguese.

    Grad school

    There’s a lot to know about graduate school and the academic job market before you decide to begin your journey. There are many useful articles online, and I would strongly recommend the book below.

    I subscribe to too many YouTube channels, so I always have several recommendations (perhaps too many?). The list below is divided by topics that interest me.


    • Statistical rethinking (playlist with Richard McElreath’s lectures). This is, in my opinion, the best stats course you can take if you already have some basics. Likewise, his book (same name) is my top recommendation when it comes to statistics (and how to really think about the topic).

    Language & Linguistics


    Copyright © 2025 Guilherme Duarte Garcia