
Guilherme D. GarciaI am professeur adjoint of phonology (US equivalent: Assistant Professor) in the Département de langues, linguistique et traduction at Université Laval, in Québec City. I am also associate editor at Second Language Research, member of the Centre for Research on Brain, Language, and Music (CRBLM), and member of the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN). Before joining Université Laval, I was assistant professor in the USA and lecturer in the UK.

I have a PhD in linguistics from McGill University, where I also completed the Interdisciplinary Language Acquisition Program (LAP), which focuses on the scientific exploration of language acquisition from different perspectives (Communication Sciences and Disorders, Education, Linguistics, and Psychology). My PhD supervisor was Heather Goad—you can see my academic tree here.

My research interests are phonology, (second) language Acquisition, and quantitative data analysis. I’m especially interested in using data analysis to uncover patterns that help us better assess representational and theoretical assumptions in phonology. I’m currently working on projects that involve (lexical) stress, (syllable) weight, and second language acquisition. I’m also working on a Talian corpus with Natália B. Guzzo, and on an R package for phonological analysis called Fonology. For more information on my research projects, click here.

Given my research interests, if you’d like to pursue a PhD in linguistics at Université Laval under my supervision, please visit this page. For MAs, visit this page.

News • 2024
  • New grant: I’ve just been awarded a 2-year grant to investigate the role of lexical and post-lexical statistics in second language acquisition. Funding agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada
  • I gave a workhop on data visualization in Lisbon on Sep 12 (Escola de Verão 2024 at Universidade de Lisboa); appui à la recherche, à la création et à la recherche-création, Université Laval.
  • New chapter published: my chapter on lexical stress in Portuguese has just been published in the The Routledge Handbook of Portuguese Phonology.
  • New paper accepted: My paper with Heather Goad on the parametrization of the foot has just been accepted for publication in Laboratory Phonology. The preprint can be found here.
  • New article online: our paper “Pronoun interpretation in Italian: Exploring the effects of prosody” is now available online on the website of Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. The preprint is available here.
  • Recent/upcoming presentations: Talks at NELS (MIT) in Jan, at OCP (Universität Leipzig) in Feb, and at MOTh (McGill) in May, all three with Natália B. Guzzo. Talk at GASLA (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) in May, poster at ISBPAC (Swansea University) in May, talk at Eurosla (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3) in July, all three with Lydia White and colleagues. Plenary and workshop at I JOBS and talk at MorPhon (UFRGS), Brazil, in June. Talk at GALA (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) in Sep, with Lydia White and colleagues.
  • Research visit at Harvard for two weeks in Feb-Mar (Programme pilote de mobilité professorale pour le développement de collaborations internationales en recherche). During that time, I gave a talk and a workshop.

Go to all of this year’s news here.

Para uma versão em português desta página, clique aqui.

Last updated: September 2024

Copyright © 2024 Guilherme Duarte Garcia